Better Patent searches, save time and money
The Problem:
Patent searching is fundamentally a natural-language problem. Search queries on conventional search tools attempt to capture the essence of the invention in a series of terms that are used to identify references in databases of issued patents and scientific literature, retrieving thousands of potentially relevant documents. Each of the retrieved documents must be compared with a description of the invention to determine the level of relevance, a process that can take weeks to complete, and costs patentees thousands of dollars in legal fees and lost inventor R&D time.
Natural Language Searching:
The patent search process can ultimately be completely automated. Using natural language queries, an inventor can upload an invention disclosure, product data sheet, or a journal article manuscript. The Three10 Solutions platform will "read" the uploaded document, perform a search for relevant prior art in standard databases, and compare retrieved references with the uploaded document, verifying that the results are relevant and ranking verified references by relevancy. Verified results can be analyzed in a matter of hours rather than the days required to identify relevant references and analyze them using conventional search tools.